Saturday, January 17, 2009

Oh my darling, oh my darling, oh my darling clementine!

Do I really even need to explain? I guess I do. This is Reese with the clementine's I bought ON SALE! You can't even find them year round, so I love it when they are in season and on sale.

I was folding clothes in peace and quiet........clue number one something was wrong. I even finished folding them AND put them away.........still quiet........I should've known trouble was brewing. I walk into the dining room and he had the clementines with forks in them walking around. He was quite proud and entertained.

I couldn't even get mad. I had NO idea the trouble little boys could get into. I'm sure I will still be suprised at the trouble he will get into in years to come. If ruining my oranges is the worst of it I'll be happy!!

1 comment:

Meg said...

That is great!!! Atleast he's creative!